Afghan Support and Investment Program (ASIP) (Refugee Programs Bureau)



ASIP is no longer an active program.

Information below is shared to provide information about the transition out of ASIP. Please refer to UPDATE 11/27/23 (below) for the most current information.

With the planned sunsetting of the Afghan Support & Investment Program (ASIP) in September 2023, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Refugee Programs Bureau (RPB) has compiled a webpage to provide details about the remaining timeline of this program and identify resources to support vulnerable Afghan households as they transition out of ASIP.

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Refugee Programs Bureau (RPB) developed the Afghan Support and Investment Program (ASIP) to support the transition of recent Afghan newcomers to long-term housing in California.

ASIP provides direct housing assistance and housing support services to eligible households through partnerships with Resettlement Agencies (RAs) and Community Partners (CPs).

Afghan families with a principal applicant who arrived in the United States between July 31, 2021, and September 30, 2022 are eligible for ASIP assistance.

Program Start Date: March 15, 2022, with additional housing support services phasing in the following weeks and months. Program ended September 30, 2023.

Eligible Households: Afghans with an eligible immigration status as determined by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) consist of:

Citizens or nationals of Afghanistan (including unaccompanied minors) paroled into the U.S. under section 212(d)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act between July 31, 2021 and September 30, 2022.

Citizens of nationals of Afghanistan for whom refugee and entrant assistance activities are authorized and whose eligibility date is on or after July 31, 2021:

  • Special Immigrant Visa holders
  • Special Immigrants with Conditional Permanent Resident status
  • SI/SQ parolees
  • Refugees
  • Asylees


UPDATE 11/27/23:

The Afghan Support and Investment Program (ASIP) provides rental subsidy support to eligible Afghan newcomer households across the state of California.  Through partnership with statewide administrator Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego (CCDSD), the Refugee Programs Bureau (RPB) has used ASIP to serve more than 1,440 households since March 2022.  While ASIP was originally designed with a program sunset date of September 30, 2023, the CDSS has recommended a revised sunset date of September 30, 2024.  As a result of the decision to pursue a limited expansion of ASIP, a select number of prior applicants are being considered for re-evaluation in the program under the original proposed terms of ASIP (i.e., assistance amounts, service length, subsidy amount, and certifications).

While the CDSS and CCDSD anticipate significant public interest in the ASIP expansion, particularly amongst individuals who missed the application cutoff date of September 30, 2022, ASIP will NOT be accepting new applications at the present.  The program expansion is currently only being offered to certain, pre-determined past applicants who already applied for ASIP assistance in 2022 and were rejected at that time.  The purpose of this is to ensure equitability in the selection of former applicants that are already waitlisted for the program.  Additionally, there will NOT be a waitlisting of new or future ASIP applications.  Based on available funding, if a determination is made in the future to accept new ASIP applications, a similar notice will be shared with partners across the state.  Please note, there is no guarantee this will occur and thus imperative for refugees to attain self-sufficiency through employment opportunities.

As partners involved in the Afghan resettlement sector, it is imperative that correct messaging is released to address the anticipated influx of inquiries related to ASIP.  It is the goal of the CDSS and partners to ensure interested parties who have not already applied to ASIP do not gain false hope – there is no new ASIP assistance being released as part of the program expansion at this time.  Staff of partner agencies and providers should NOT be relaying that ASIP is accepting new clients.  Instead, CCDSD is in the process of connecting with certain already-determined, previously denied applicants who are being re-evaluated for services.  There is no action needed on the client’s part to inquire about their eligibility for ASIP expansion services – CCDSD will contact them if under consideration for additional assistance. For more information, please see the ASIP page on the RPB website.

What the ASIP Expansion is:

A re-evaluation of previous applications submitted on or before September 30, 2022.
An attempt to serve previously denied applicants who are still in need of critical assistance.
An expansion of services only to pre-selected past applicants meeting specific criteria.
Continued partnership with CCDSD to continue providing ASIP assistance up to an additional 12 months in certain cases.

What the ASIP Expansion is not:

An open expansion of the program to additional new applicants.
A release of new, publicly available funding or assistance.
A newly announced housing subsidy program.
New assistance for any prior ASIP recipients.
Please keep this information in mind as outreach efforts to clients targeted for ASIP expansion assistance are mobilized.

As outlined in the ASIP Operations Guide, rental assistance will continue to be provided for a maximum of 12 months from the date of first approval for current ASIP recipients.  Applications will be reviewed under the existing ASIP application review guidelines, and those qualifying will be assigned to a priority group for housing assistance based on the immediate housing circumstances of a household.

The RPB is committed to supporting our statewide partners, the providers involved with administering ASIP services, and Afghan communities in California with high-quality service.  Please contact RPB with any questions, at

Thank you for your continued support of our newly arrived neighbors.

In partnership,
Refugee Programs Bureau
California Department of Social Services
(916) 654-4356


California Department of Social Services
744 P Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 654-4356