Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Renting to Refugees and Eligible Newcomers
The U.S. Government assists refugees and other eligible newcomers with resettlement support services as they begin to rebuild their lives in the United States. This FAQ answers questions that landlords and property managers may have about renting to refugees and other eligible newcomers.
This fact sheet was an interagency effort between ORR, the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in response to a request from the national resettlement agencies.
This is a 2-page version of the fact sheet meant to be printed out by local resettlement staff and handed to landlords and property managers. This short fact sheet has a QR code that links to the longer version with more information and resource/reference links. Both the short and long version are on ORR’s site (and will soon be cross-linked by other federal agencies).
You can find this document also linked on ORR’s Network Resources page under Housing.