AllyNetwork - Diversity in Health Training Institute

AllyNetwork – Diversity in Health Training Institute

The goal of AllyNetwork is to increase access to and use of mental health and wellness services for immigrants, refugees, and asylees, and immigrant youth, through a web-based app that provides a listing of bilingual/bicultural mental health and wellness professionals and resources for trauma-informed support and resources.

The on-line platform offers a searchable database to find pro-bono (free), low-cost, and County-funded bilingual and bicultural mental health providers, both from the public and private sector.

AllyNetwork is a project of Diversity in Health Training Institute (DHTI), an organization developed by former Alameda County Supervisor Alice Lai-Bitker, to address the increasing demand for a culturally diverse healthcare system by supporting immigrants and refugees to continue prior healthcare professions or start new healthcare careers in the United States.

Online Resource
310 8th Street, Suite 303
Oakland, CA 94607

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