Alameda County Health Centers - Alameda Health Consortium

Alameda County Health Centers – Alameda Health Consortium

Community Health Center Network (CHCN) health centers were founded through struggles of grass-roots organizers who sought to develop health services for medically-underserved communities. The CHCN health centers continue to be rooted in these communities, attempting to improve access to health care and the quality of that health care to the members of their communities.

CHCN health centers are based in Alameda County, California, and have extended services to surrounding counties. The eight CHCN health centers which make up the Network, currently serve more than 130,000 people at more than 94 sites of care. Many of the health centers also provide mental health, dental and preventive health programs. Each health center has a membership and eligibility department that assists patients in obtaining low-cost health insurance or access to government-funded health programs. The health centers are dedicated to providing linguistic and culturally competent health care services to their members. Among the services the health centers provide are: Primary Health Care, Prenatal, Children's Health, Immunizations, Dental, HIV-Related Services, and Health Education and Prevention Programs.

CHCN Health Centers include:

Asian Health Services

Axis Community Health

Bay Area Community Health

La Clinica de la Raza

Lifelong Medical Care

Native American Health Center

Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center

West Oakland Health

Alameda County
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Alameda County Seal