Asian Pacific Islander Community Collaborative (APICC)
The Asian Pacific Islander Community Collaborative (APICC) is a collection of over 30 Asian and Asian Pacific Islander (API) community-based organizations that provide services to the 5th Supervisorial District; it was established in December 2002.
APICC, which was created by Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson, advocates for and promotes linguistically and culturally accessible County services for Asian and Asian Pacific Islander Americans. Our focus is on language access, employment, and social services issues, and will work with community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, and businesses that serve API communities.
In April 2021, we made a group decision to change our name to include the Pacific Islander community. Formerly Asian Community Collaborative (ACC), to now the Asian Pacific Islander Community Collaborative or APICC. This reflects not only a change in name only, but it is also a recommitment that we will work to be more inclusive and elevate issues, especially with the lack of data and resources for the Pacific Islander community in the County.