Financial Support

Alameda County Social Services Agency
The County of Alameda Social Services Agency (SSA) provides basic safety net services to at risk children, families, and adults. SSA provides services through its administration and operating departments - Adult and Aging Services, Children and Family Services, and Workforce and Benefits Administration. SSA administers Public Safety Net Benefit Programs to include CalWORKS, CalFRESH, MediCal, Refugee Cash Assistance, General Assistance, domestic violence resources, employment and job training supportive services/referrals, and emergency shelter service. Seat of the County Refugee Coordinator.
Listing Title
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) is a public assistance program that provides temporary assistance to families with children and expectant mothers.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)
Provides up to twelve months of cash assistance for refugees who are either single adults or couples without dependent children.
Service Area
Alameda County
San Mateo County Human Services Agency (HSA)
Offers a wide range of services designed to assist individuals and families achieve economic self-sufficiency, collaborate with other agencies to strengthen our communities, and ensure child safety and well-being. 
Service Area
San Mateo County
Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund
Provides one-time assistance to help people experiencing an unexpected crisis.
Service Area
Bay Area
Alameda County Seal