4Cs of Alameda County offers an extensive database of state-licensed child care providers, payment assistance programs, and family supports with a helpful staff of specialists who speak multiple languages. We also support local child care providers with free and low cost training, business counseling, professional development, and supports in order to improve the quality of child care services within Alameda County.
Banana's programs and services include assisting families find and pay for quality child care, parenting workshops, playgroups and professional development for all types of early care and education providers. Our support allows working families to thrive and be confident their children are in quality and nurturing learning environments.
The Alameda County Social Services Agency provides child care subsidies for children 0 to 12 years of age and are made available to eligible families on a time-limited basis.
Every day, countless parents like you are searching for quality, affordable, dependable child care. Davis Street helps meet these needs by offering a voucher parental choice program or a stimulating, nurturing and inclusive environment in our own child development centers.
A free, non-emergency confidential phone number with multilingual representatives available, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, with referrals to low cost housing, emergency shelter, and safety net services for residents within Alameda County.
Harbor House Ministries provides ESL, food, clothing and housing assistance, youth programs and services, education, employment and job training, and childcare programs.
Hively helps parents find and pay for quality child care, provides parent education and support to ensure that children get the best start possible, guidance and training for people interested in building sustainable, high quality child care businesses, and helps adults and children through challenging life situations.