
Afghan Health Leadership Consortium (Afghan Coalition)
The Afghan Health Leadership Consortium is a program of the Afghan Coalition in Fremont. The health topics discussed are unique to the Afghan Community and are focused to service providers, educators and community leaders. After the crisis in Afghanistan, the focus of the Consortium has been on issues relating to the needs and problems of the new arrivals and solutions that address those special needs.
Afghanistan Cultural Quick Reference Guide
This new two-page Cultural Quick Reference Guide for Afghanistan supports the provider-client relationship by giving country-specific information on cultural norms, health practices, and courtesies to observe to enhance communication.
African Communities Program (Partnerships for Trauma Recovery)
African Communities Program addresses the psychosocial impacts of trauma among international survivors of human rights abuses through culturally aware, trauma-informed, and linguistically accessible mental health care, outreach, professional training, and policy advocacy.
Alameda County Immigration Legal and Education Partnership (ACILEP)
The Alameda County Immigration Legal and Education Partnership (ACILEP) is a collaborative effort to provide critical legal, educational, and emergency support to our undocumented community. Our mission is to ensure that persons facing detention, deportation or immigration-related emergencies have access to high quality legal services, community education, and resources to fight for their rights.
Service Area
Alameda County
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation (AIISF) raises awareness of the experience of Immigration into America through the Pacific. AIISF collects and preserves the rich stories and personal journeys of thousands of immigrants, and shares them with visitors and everyone living in America through education initiatives and public programs. Angel Island Immigration Station reminds us of the complicated history of immigration in America. It serves as a symbol of our willingness to learn from our past to ensure that our nation keeps its promise of liberty and freedom.
Service Area
Bay Area
Asian Resource Network (Diversity in Health Training Institute)
Asian Resource Network connects Bay Area families in need with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) service providers.
At Home Humanitarian
Listing Title
At Home Humanitarian is a grassroots effort focused on socially integrating refugees, asylees, and immigrants while building tolerance and understanding throughout their new communities. Our core work focuses on mentor matching, community acculturation events, and providing extracurricular opportunities. Mentorships, outings, and scholarships.
Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI)
Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI) educates and engages African American and black immigrant communities to organize and advocate for racial, social and economic justice. At the local and regional level, BAJI provides training and technical assistance to partner organizations to develop leadership skills, works with faith communities to harness their prophetic voice, and initiates vibrant dialogues with African Americans and black immigrants to discover more about race, our diverse identities, racism, migration and globalization.
Bridging Refugee Youth and Children’s Services (BRYCS)
Bridging Refugee Youth and Children’s Services (BRYCS) aims to strengthen the capacity of refugee-serving and mainstream organizations across the U.S. to empower and ensure the successful development of refugee children, youth, and their families.
Building Skills Partnership
Building Skills Partnership (BSP) improves the lives of property service workers in low-wage industries and their families. Property service workers are janitors, security officers, maintenance and custodial workers, stadium, arena and airport workers, and other workers who provide important services to the buildings of California. BSP programs serve 5,500 participants annually through direct services and training, and 20,000 individuals through hybrid outreach engagements & online services. Programs focus on workforce development, immigrant inclusion, and community advancement. The organization offers career and education programs that enable workers’ personal and professional success.
Burma Refugee Families & Newcomers
Burma Refugee Families & Newcomers (BRFN) supports and empowers refugees of all ethnic groups from Burma and other countries resettling in the wider San Francisco Bay Area. BRFN provides and advocates for culturally and linguistically appropriate social support services, such as language training, social welfare, education, physical and mental healthcare, employment, housing, and cultural bridging and preservation.
California Grants Portal
California State Library has compiled all state grants in the California Grants Portal as a one-stop destination for the community, nonprofit leaders, and public agencies to learn about grant guidelines, eligibility, and additional important information to apply.
Church World Service
Listing Title
Church World Service (CWS) serves refugees, immigrants, and asylees in Northern California. CWS’s office in Walnut Creek will help refugees resettle, form long-lasting relationships in the community and maintain their own basic needs in a sustainable lifestyle. CWS NorCal operates several programs to serve unaccompanied children who mostly come through the southern border, and refugees, immigrants, and asylees families and individuals.
East Bay Refugee and Immigrant Forum (EBRIF)  
The East Bay Refugee and Immigrant Forum (EBRIF) is a coalition of over 30 community-based organizations and agencies serving refugees, asylees, and immigrants in the San Francisco East Bay.
Service Area
East Bay
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Renting to Refugees and Eligible Newcomers
The U.S. Government assists refugees and other eligible newcomers with resettlement support services as they begin to
rebuild their lives in the United States. This FAQ answers questions that landlords and property managers may have
about renting to refugees and other eligible newcomers.
Service Area
How to Get Medical and Education Services When You Don’t Speak English
What families who speak a language other than English need to know about their rights when accessing health care and special education services, and tips on how to advocate for themselves.
Service Area
International Rescue Committee – Oakland
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Oakland's programs are designed to ensure that you, as a refugee, thrive in America--whether ensuring your children are enrolled in school, you as an adult is become self-reliant through employment or starting businesses, or families are receiving acute medical care you need to recover from trauma or illness. If you are in need, the IRC will help you to rebuild your life and regain control of your future in your new home community.
Service Area
East Bay
International Rescue Committee – San Jose
The International Rescue Committee provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America.
Service Area
Santa Clara County
Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay
Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay (JFCS East Bay) is a community-based, direct social and human services organization that serves and supports Alameda and Contra Costa County residents of all ages, races, and religions.
Service Area
East Bay
Jewish Family Services Silicon Valley
JFS SV provides resettlement, vocational and career services to 400+ refugees annually, most recently serving refugees from Afghanistan and Ukraine.
Service Area
Bay Area
Legal Link
Listing Title
Legal Link’s mission is to remove legal barriers that prolong poverty by adding critically needed capacity to the legal ecosystem. We are creating and supporting a new frontline of community justice workers. Legal Link currently partners with over 70 leading community-based organizations across Northern California that are deeply integrated into, and trusted by, the communities they serve. Our online tool allows you to search by county and issue area to find legal help.
Service Area
Marin Immigrant Rights & Justice Asset Map
Organizations and agencies across Marin County provide programs and services that support immigrants to feel a sense of belonging and thrive.
Service Area
Marin County
Migration Data Hub – Migration Policy Institute
The Data Hub showcases stock, flow, citizenship, net migration, and historical data for countries around the world, as well as national and state-level demographic, social, and economic facts about immigrants and immigration to the United States.
Service Area
Open Arms Refugee
Listing Title
Open Arms Refugee is a recently founded 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in San Ramon CA. It was created by two high school students living in California who are passionate about solving the inhumane conditions that refugees face on a daily basis once entering this country. We aim to provide educational support to the tens of thousands of refugees that pour into this country with nothing but the clothes on their backs by providing help to the shelters that house them. Open Arms is centered on connecting with local refugee shelters and forming educational programs.
Service Area
San Ramon, CA
Refugee Housing Solutions
Provides technical housing support to resettlement practitioners, landlords and property managers, refugees, and volunteers across the United States and partners with them to develop and implement cohesive strategies to increase the availability and affordability of housing.
Service Area
San Francisco Immigrant Legal & Education Network (SFILEN)
San Francisco Immigrant Legal & Education Network (SFILEN) provides free immigration legal services and comprehensive legal assistance, promoting community education, and organizing to empower the immigrant community.
Service Area
Bay Area
Santa Cruz Welcoming Network
The Santa Cruz Welcoming Network is an all-volunteer group of concerned community members dedicated to welcoming asylum seekers and other refugees and providing them with a network of care. The network was formed in 2019 by local residents, many from faith-based congregations. Our Mission is to provide comfort and support for people who seek asylum and refuge. Our volunteers connect personally and accompany them as they navigate challenges such as: immigration court, shelter, health care, and work. We find resources that support their goals and healing from trauma. We are committed to the truth that every human being is worthy of a safe place to live and thrive.

Service Area
Santa Cruz County
The 5ive Pillars
Listing Title
An Afghan-American-led organization that aids in the resettlement of newcomer migrants in Northern California.
Service Area
Northern California
Legal Finders
A complete guide to the legal rights of non-citizens in the U.S., as well as a list of rights non-citizens can’t access, and a number of legal resources for non-citizens.
Service Area
United Afghan Association
Aims to support and amplify the voices of the people of Afghanistan and to help better serve Afghan refugees resettling in northern California.
Service Area
East Bay
Alameda County Seal