Governmental Resources

Alameda County Health
Listing Title
Alameda County Health (ACH) works in partnership to provide high quality services, foster safe and healthy communities, and promote fair and inclusive opportunities for all residents. This is accomplished by the work of HCSA's four departments: Behavioral Health, Environmental Health, Office of the Agency Director (OAD), and Public Health.
Alameda County Social Services Agency
The County of Alameda Social Services Agency (SSA) provides basic safety net services to at risk children, families, and adults. SSA provides services through its administration and operating departments - Adult and Aging Services, Children and Family Services, and Workforce and Benefits Administration. SSA administers Public Safety Net Benefit Programs to include CalWORKS, CalFRESH, MediCal, Refugee Cash Assistance, General Assistance, domestic violence resources, employment and job training supportive services/referrals, and emergency shelter service. Seat of the County Refugee Coordinator.
Alameda County
Listing Title
A link to Alameda County's website where you can find more information about County government, funded services, and more!
Alameda County Workforce Development Board (ACWDB)
The Alameda County Workforce Development Board (ACWDB) is a 27-member employer-led body responsible for overseeing the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I program, outside the city of Oakland. WIOA services are available to meet the training and employment needs of local area job seekers, including youth and young adults. Business services are also available to help employers meet their goals around talent recruitment and business training needs. Our goal is to facilitate the connection of job seekers to quality jobs while remaining responsive and supportive to local area businesses.
California Grants Portal
California State Library has compiled all state grants in the California Grants Portal as a one-stop destination for the community, nonprofit leaders, and public agencies to learn about grant guidelines, eligibility, and additional important information to apply.
City Government Resources – Alameda County
Website links for the some city governments in Alameda County.
City of Berkeley (CA) Mental Health
Berkeley Mental Health provides mental health services to eligible adults, children, youth, and their families, including counseling and case management services.
City of Concord (CA)
Listing Title
Link to website for City of Concord (Contra Costa County).
City of Richmond (CA)
Listing Title
Link to website for City of Richmond (CA). 
Contra Costa County Alcohol & Other Drugs Services
The Alcohol and Other Drugs Services (AODS) advocates for alcohol and drug free communities by promoting individual and family responsibility, hope, and self-sufficiency.
Service Area
Contra Costa County
Contra Costa County Behavioral Health Services
Contra Costa Behavioral Health provides welcoming, integrated services for mental health, substance abuse, and other needs that promote wellness, recovery and resiliency while respecting the complexity and diversity of the people we serve.
Service Area
Contra Costa County
Contra Costa County Health Care Services
Contra Costa County Health Care Services' mission is to care for and improve the health of all people in Contra Costa County with special attention to those who are most vulnerable to health problems.
Service Area
Contra Costa County
County of Marin Housing Resources
Housing resources and programs available in the County of Marin.
Service Area
County of Marin
County of San Mateo Housing Services
A link to County of San Mateo's Department of Housing resources page. 
Service Area
San Mateo County
County of Santa Clara Behavioral Health Services
County of Santa Clara Behavioral Health Services assists individuals affected by mental illness and serious emotional disturbance to achieve their hopes, dreams and quality of life goals.
Service Area
Santa Clara County
County of Santa Clara Health System
County of Santa Clara Health System is our local healthcare safety net and provider of comprehensive care, service, and program to the residents of our county. The Health System includes the Behavioral Health Services Department, Public Health Department, Santa Clara Valley Healthcare's network of hospitals and clinics including Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, O'Connor Hospital and St. Louise Regional Hospital, Emergency Medical Services Agency, Custody Health Services Department, and Valley Health Plan.
Service Area
Santa Clara County
County of Santa Clara Office of Supportive Housing
The Office of Supportive Housing’s (OSH) focuses on increasing the supply of affordable housing and supportive housing for extremely low income and /or special needs households.
Service Area
Santa Clara County
County of Santa Clara Social Services Agency
The County of Santa Clara Social Service Agency (SSA) provides basic safety net services to at risk children, families and adults. SSA puts together and provides services through its four major branches. They include the Agency Office, Department of Aging and Adult Services, Department of Employment and Benefit Services, and the Department of Family and Children's Services.
Service Area
Santa Clara County
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Renting to Refugees and Eligible Newcomers
The U.S. Government assists refugees and other eligible newcomers with resettlement support services as they begin to
rebuild their lives in the United States. This FAQ answers questions that landlords and property managers may have
about renting to refugees and other eligible newcomers.
Service Area
Health Program of Alameda County (HealthPAC)
The Health Program of Alameda County, also known as HealthPAC (and formerly known as CMSP or ACE), is a County program that provides affordable health care to uninsured people living in Alameda County.
Service Area
Alameda County
Housing and Homelessness Division (HHD) – California Department of Social Services (CDSS)
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Housing and Homelessness Division (HHD) is responsible for development and oversight of statewide housing programs funded by the CDSS. 
Service Area
Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin
For over 75 years, the Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin (HACSJ) has provided and advocated for safe, affordable and attractive living environments for low income working families, elderly, and disabled residents of San Joaquin County. In collaboration with our partners, we serve our residents with employment and educational opportunities, referrals, utility assistance and recreational opportunities for our youth.
Service Area
San Joaquin County
Listos California
Listing Title
Engages a statewide network of community-based organizations, tribal governments, and community emergency response teams across the state to boost resiliency, provide accessible in-language information and advance a new culture of disaster preparedness.
Service Area
Marin Immigrant Rights & Justice Asset Map
Organizations and agencies across Marin County provide programs and services that support immigrants to feel a sense of belonging and thrive.
Service Area
Marin County
Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Network Resources
Office of Refugee Resettlement's links to network resources for resettlement, integration, health, housing and employment. 
Service Area
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)
Provides up to twelve months of cash assistance for refugees who are either single adults or couples without dependent children.
Service Area
Alameda County
San Francisco Human Services Agency Housing Resources
Short-term and long-term housing information and assistance in San Francisco.
Service Area
San Francisco
San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
Provides services for residents who are on Medi-Cal or are uninsured including children, youth, families, adults and older adults, for the prevention, early intervention, and treatment of mental illness and/or substance use conditions.
Service Area
San Mateo County
San Mateo County Health Services
Our mission is to help everyone in San Mateo County live longer and better lives. County Health protects the public by regulating harms that could cause disease, informing advocacy to achieve healthier communities, and preventing the spread of disease.
Service Area
San Mateo County
San Mateo County Human Services Agency (HSA)
Offers a wide range of services designed to assist individuals and families achieve economic self-sufficiency, collaborate with other agencies to strengthen our communities, and ensure child safety and well-being. 
Service Area
San Mateo County
Sonoma County Housing Authority
Provides safe, decent and quality affordable housing and supportive services to eligible persons with limited incomes.
Service Area
Sonoma County
Stand Together Contra Costa
A rapid response, legal services, and community education project to support safety and justice for immigrant families in Contra Costa County.
Service Area
Contra Costa County
State Office of Refugee Health
Works with impacted local health jurisdictions, health providers, and voluntary resettlement agencies to provide culturally and linguistically-appropriate comprehensive health assessments, and other health services, to newly arrived refugees, asylees, victims of severe forms of human trafficking (federally-certified), and other eligible entrants to assist them in achieving self-sufficiency by becoming and staying healthy.
Service Area
State Refugee Programs Bureau
The RPB has responsibility for managing and coordinating the delivery of benefits and services to the refugee and entrant populations of California in partnership with counties and local refugee service providers.
Service Area
The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
Provide people in need with critical resources to assist them in becoming integrated members of American society.
Service Area
The San Mateo Office of Community Affairs
A division of the County Executive's Office, serving as a liaison between county departments and the community to facilitate information sharing, feedback, provide immigrant services to residents.
Service Area
San Mateo County
Alameda County Seal